How has your year been darling? I ask with utter sincerity and an expectation that you have struggled more than you have laughed. 2018, so far, has been hard work. So many crises and chaos, on the world stage, overly so in the life of individuals, those two things mingling and becoming one and the same. That which hurts one of us, hurts us all. Isn't that a message we are taking from a year of terrible dramas? That if one of us cries, we all can (should we choose to). If one of us falters, we all can. If one of us grows.... And so on. Connection, commitment, community, oneness... How have those things touched your life so far this year? Here, mid year, midsummer, beautiful Solstice, we can take the opportunity to reflect on what we have been brought so far. As we do, we can set an intent to vibe onwards and upwards. Let me be an example. This year started with my husband having a heart attack the week after his 39th Birthday. Everything, everything, everything has become beholden to that and to what it meant for him and us. His recovery has occurred on every level, mental, spiritual, physical, emotional. And it's not over yet... Recovery, I suspect, never is... And yet the mood has turned, the labour of emotion is slowly bearing fruits. Not the fruits I expected. It's like I planted strawberries and got apples. Perfect, and yet, so different, so utterly unmatched to my recipe. But maybe my recipe can shift... What are your fruits? What toil have you put into your life this year, that you didn't plan for, and how is it making you wiser and wilder? How do you hope to take this forward? Now is the time to reset goals, ambitions and hopes. Today is a good day to pray. This evening is a potent time to cast a spell, make a wish, create a vision board, or simply make an agreement with yourself. The year need not go out, as it came in. Take what this first half has taught you, hold it close, thank it, and move towards something, anything new, for that is what will come my dear, as ever. Love, Alice About Alice Book a personal reading or spiritual session with me... Sign up to my online Tarot Course... Read more from cosmic Mother Alice Grist All
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Alice GristI am Alice Grist, author, artist, cosmic mother and tarot expert. Here you will find my spiritual thoughts and regular free Tarot guidance. |