![]() The Lionsgate portal 2022 is upon us and the highlight of this is Monday 8/8 with the pinnacle of an astrological moment that allows for deep self knowing, release of old patterns and the heightening of your personal path. As Sirius aligns with the sun and Orion, we are granted an opportunity to really, truly grow, and I have pulled some cards to further this message as it greets us this year... The cards for this day are so apt... Unfoldment and Three of Wands visit us with the slow enlightenments we need to make the path forward seem suddenly so clear. his week you may feel clarity reigns as things that had felt muddied become focused and ready. Unfoldment in particular asks us to lean into our spiritual beliefs, and to believe in our ability to overcome and remain connected. To grow, evolve and find beauty in all that befalls us. The Three of Wands, shows us setting off on a journey that has ben a long, long time coming. Finally you feel ready, and while the path forward may be tricky, you have the accomplishments and motivations to prepare for a giant leap in your life. The Lionsgate Portal culminates on the 8th August and this unique yearly phenomenon allows you to truly actualise your goals and hopes for the year moving forward. I am offering private audio recorded tarot readings that help you to focus on what you hope to manifest and create within your life on this date. I will divine the cards for you, and address your current powers and abilities to grow and evolve. There is a very limited number of readings available, so book now to reserve your reading... Limited availability Lionsgate readings here... (Address questions in the 'notes to seller')
The Lionsgate Portal culminates on the 8th August and this unique yearly phenomenon allows you to truly actualise your goals and hopes for the year moving forward. I am offering private audio recorded tarot readings that help you to focus on what you hope to manifest and create within your life on this date. I will divine the cards for you, and address your current powers and abilities to grow and evolve. There is a very limited number of readings available, so book now to reserve your reading...
Book my Lionsgate Portal Audio Reading by Alice Grist Tarot Cards have only had 'spiritual' or 'fortune telling' associations for a very short time in the history of mankind. Before they were used for magic and divination, they were a story telling game played by aristocratic families across Turkey and Italy. The meanings given to each card is therefore something that came out of more localised and recent time. This, for me, means that they are ripe for reinterpretation. Not by any particular expert, but by you. If you read across my tarot works, you will see that with every book or deck I create the meanings short a little. This is because, having lived and worked with the cards, my understandings of the tarot card meanings has grown. Sometime sit flips, moves and is entirely redefined. I give myself permission to do this, because I am the one reading, I am the one making the interpretations, I am the tarot priestess, and therefore, what I see, and therefore say, is key to a skilled interpretation. There is no chance that in working with the card Is am then going fact check myself against some dude who did his work on the cards over a century ago. Nope, this isn't school, this is magic, and what you interpret form the symbols, image and your experiences, matters the most. When taking this approach with tarot I always advise those I am teaching to reference their own lives. When you look at a card there is no wrong or right answer. Whilst many might argue this point, I would suggest that having. static response to any one tarot card is limiting. There are a million experiences to be had, and only 78 cards, therefore, it's appropriate that each one card is a stand in, a prompt to your imagination, your story telling and your willingness to explore your intuitive creativity. Of course this approach to tarot card reading takes a while to hone. We all went to school in a culture that expects specific answers, and is graded against how much we can memorise and regurgitate. The magic in creating your own tarot readings is that firstly, you won't forget them, secondly they are intrinsically linked to your experiences and therefore deeply intimate, and thirdly, the reflections you will receive from the card won't require a book or a middleman, just your own self-trust - which is a spiritual act of self love in itself. My books Dirty and Divine, and The Book of Tarot will talk you through an intuitive approach to learning and starting to explore the wisdom of the cards. Dirty and Divine, in particular is a searing vision quest that you an undertake to really being to understand the tarot card meanings from the inside out. The other hot tip I have, is to encourage you to take one card every day, to live with it for the day and to journal about it to really see where it's imagery, colour, and message meets with the events of your life. Give yourself permission to be free and easy with this. It may feel awkward at first, but perseverance means you are releasing the expectations of long dead tarot prophets and entering a period of spiritual self-reliance that will be full of empowerment and connection! Private tarot teaching with me is available for those who require an encouraging, confidence boosting (and fun) session or two to get them started... Join my Cosmic Sisterhood for frequent Tarot reflections, readings and live meetings wot explore your spirituality. (Paid Membership Group) Cosmic Sisterhood on Facebook (FREE) Signed Copies of Alice's Books & Cards
£17.99 - £25.00
A personally signed copy of Alice's books & cards. Make your choice from dropdown menu below. Happy to personalise - please make it clear who the book is to be signed for in the 'note to seller'. Price includes postage to the UK only. Private Tarot Consultations with Rebel Heart Tarot creator Alice Grist
Each tarot card consultation is entirely unique and bespoke to you, and allows for queries and questions should you feel the need to ask. Please ask up to three questions maximum in 'Notes to Seller' when buying. All readings will be honoured and sent to your inbox within five working days. I am the author of The Book of Tarot, Dirty and Divine - A Guide to Tarot, Rebel Heart Tarot Deck and Cosmic Mother Tarot Cards. I have read for thousands of people internationally over the last decade and I love every moment of helping people to navigate their lives, overcome blocks, and make empowering choices! Sessions with Alice are non-refundable. Readings will be recorded and sent to you within 7 days. On Sale On Sale Learn Tarot with Alice Grist Jan 23
£99.00 - £155.00
Learn Tarot with Alice Grist (The Book of Tarot / Rebel Heart Tarot) - Early Bird Prices till end of November. Eight sessions of live tarot teaching with Alice Grist throughout January 2023. Each session is recorded and shared afterwards if you cannot attend. Tarot is a beautiful tool of a life well-lived. The cards can guide you with everyday decisions, personal growth and spiritual understanding. This course will teach you everything you need to know to begin to use tarot within your life with confidence. Alice has been using cards for 31 years, has written two books and created two decks. Alice will be predominantly using her deck Rebel Heart Tarot to teach (available now). You are welcome to use Rebel Heart or any other deck of your choosing. Join Alice online in live sessions across the month of January. The sessions will cover the following... Session 1: All about Tarot (everything you need to know to get started and Q&A) Session 2: Major Arcana Part 1 Session 3: Major Arcana Part 2 Session 4: Swords - Choice, mind, decisions and knowing. Session 5: Cups - Feeling, emotion, love and connections. Session 6: Wands - Energy, creation, flow and passion. Session 7: Pentacles - Growth, abundance, work and real world. Session 8: Spreads and Practice to Get you Started. You will also receive a downloadable workbook to print out and use alongside our sessions, filled with prompts, inspiration and space to record your learnings. Upgrade to receive an extra personal 121 session with Alice to supercharge your journey with and knowledge of the cards Please direct any enquiries to [email protected] by Alice Grist
Did you know you are quite naturally psychic? Think to all the times you ‘just knew’ something, or had an idea about an event or person, that proved to be true. Maybe you’ve had ‘feelings’ all your life that eventually turn out to be accurate, or a dream that reflected an event that later happens, like a premonition or a warning. From my 30-year study and experience in spirituality and tarot, I am convinced that we all have the latent superpower of being psychic. The difference between those with the gift and those without, is simply this, practice. Tarot allow for the most amazing practice, which is chock full of empowering self-reflection. My books will teach you how to access this, but this article is a great place to get started. Unfortunately, our natural psychic sense is not taught in schools and has become laden with stereotypes and disbelief. Yet, you have had your own experiences of it. Part of my work as a tarot teacher is to help you to really dive into your intuition to accurately read the cards, but to also empower your psychic understandings to seize the best life possible. Believing that you can and thinking about your own experience of these things is a great place to start. Have a think about your personal experience of psychic ability. How have you dismissed it? How have you written it off as coincidence? Take a moment to allow yourself to believe it was real, that it was too uncanny not to be. Allow yourself permission to believe that this natural superpower is yours as much as anyone else’s. The world of traditional psychic ability is split into different areas. Psychics tend to lean towards one skill (much like how we all have likes, favour certain hobbies or have our individual talents and interests) these are; clairvoyance, claircognizance, clairaudience, and clairsentience abilities. I believe that these ways of understanding the world, sit within each of us, and when we pay attention to those little inklings such as inner whispers, images that flash in front of our minds, feelings and knowing, we can start to profoundly grow our understandings of the world we live in. Here are my top three tips to start to explore your natural psychic ability.
My books will help you venture further into this magic…. ![]() How hot are you? Chances are if you are sat anywhere right now you are either on fire with the temperatures, or possibly, the creative motivation you are feeling. Our card for this week, Three of Pentacles speaks about the consistent effort that is required to grow our lives. On this Cosmic Mother Tarot card I painted a Woman tending to her metaphorical garden, trusting the elements to come together in her favour and, in time, to bear fruit. So here we are, bubbling and burning, and finding ways to bring our ideas to the earth, over and over, where they transform until, they feel like the perfect expression ow who we are and the life we would like to create. Connect to this card in the following ways... Small consistent actions. Show up over and over, not with new offerings or revamped versions, but with truth. Take time to think about who you are, who you are becoming and how you intend this to be reflected in your relationships, work and families. When the moment strikes, get busy, do the work, plant the seeds, gently and without expectation for what they might become. I certainly feel like this summer is one for reflection, for taking mini actions as we move towards something bigger than perhaps our minds can foresee... This card is taken form my Cosmic Mother Tarot Deck, there are a few decks left to buy here... Also, I am not reading cards or taking on new clients over my kids holidays, and am indulging a little bit of a sabbatical to let the seeds grow, I am booking however already for September, and if you book during the summer hols I am offering a reduced price for all readings in early Autumn... Check here and we can hook you up with your session in September or October... BOOK ME IN ![]() Working with tarot for your work and business, where you are looking for growth, connection and evolution, will cause you to source yourself time and time again. The Tarot can help you dive into your own wisdom like nothing else. With their help you will recognise you already know the answers or solutions, on some level, but you had not fully acknowledged these or said them aloud. As this starts to happen, please do take note. When the cards tell you what you suspected, or what you half felt to be true, or that you dreamt of, or that you had mentioned in passing to a colleague, or that came to mind, but you dismissed it, the cards will force you to take notice. Tarot cards are a hot, fast spin into intuition and to recognising that you always were intuitive, you just hadn’t held it up to be examined. Nobody taught you how to source your inner intuitive compass, and you have dismissed your inner wisdom too easily. As the cards start to collide with your inner world, you can begin to realise you are an intuitive genius. That’s likely why you are bold enough to think outside of conventional life and start a business or make daring career choices, because you are led by something more. My work with private entrepreneurs and business clients grants you reflection of your own mystical self and help you to listen to the intuitive voice in your head and heart, then my work is done. This may be immediate, or it may happen over time. One thing I highly recommend is that you take the guidance the cards offer with a willingness to see how it fits with what you ‘deep down’ know to be true, and then build the relationship with your own intuitive self so that in time, you may need to consult the cards a little less. You will start to see the answers in the synchronicities and signs all around, you. Or you wake up with ideas fully formed in your head, and you choose to action and believe them. Using tarot for business is a fast track to getting your business and working world as aligned and evolved as possible. The side effects are that you become full of your own superpower, you create an alliance with your spiritual side, and she serves you really, well. Light candles, burn incense, journal on the cards, talk with your magical pals, whatever it takes, know that the cards are a prompt to your intuitive self and from here, all things are possible. Book your Business coaching sessions with me to divinely empower your path to higher goals, beliefs and success... When you allow your intuition to guide you it starts to take over as an impeccable guiding force. Until now it has been squashed and repressed by the voices and opinions of others -culture, parents, teachers, colleagues. All intuition is really, is you, and the fact you are reasonably psychic and innately connected to what feels good, bad and magical. Every time you go against your intuition you actively repress it. Start listening and trusting. Tarot cuts through the crap and aligns you back to this natural power… Connect to your intuition with Tarot using my empowering books and readings... Inspired by chat with @meghanelizabethfield for her podcast - out soon. Signed Copies of Alice's Books & Cards
£17.99 - £25.00
A personally signed copy of Alice's books & cards. Make your choice from dropdown menu below. Happy to personalise - please make it clear who the book is to be signed for in the 'note to seller'. Price includes postage to the UK only. On Sale On Sale A Month of Tarot - October 2022
Do you want to connect with a handy, everyday superpower that helps you to understand and transform your life? Tarot provide you with immense insight into who you are, your desires, and the path of your life so far and moving forward. Tarot will provide you with practical and spiritual wisdom that enables you to manage your life, make big decisions and step into flow and alignment in all your relationships, business, work and everyday experiences. My ‘Month of Tarot’ starting on 1st October provides 31 daily lessons that will teach you how to really use tarot for yourself, and to start using them confidently for friends and family. When you sign up you will receive access to the Cosmic Sisterhood and all our live meetings, 78 Tarot Meditations and the full course content for the Month of Tarot, including a downloadable PDF that you can use to keep track of your learning, insight and inspiration as you work through the 31 days of lessons. This course is held in a private online space (which you can download as a phone app) and I’ll be there every day to respond to your questions and magical happenings (and there will be plenty of them). You will also be invited into a magical live opening and closing ceremony. As this course closes on 31st October we are working our way towards full tarot understanding just in time for Halloween! Private Tarot Consultations with Rebel Heart Tarot creator Alice Grist
Each tarot card consultation is entirely unique and bespoke to you, and allows for queries and questions should you feel the need to ask. Please ask up to three questions maximum in 'Notes to Seller' when buying. All readings will be honoured and sent to your inbox within five working days. I am the author of The Book of Tarot, Dirty and Divine - A Guide to Tarot, Rebel Heart Tarot Deck and Cosmic Mother Tarot Cards. I have read for thousands of people internationally over the last decade and I love every moment of helping people to navigate their lives, overcome blocks, and make empowering choices! Sessions with Alice are non-refundable. Readings will be recorded and sent to you within 7 days. It's a been year since I left my corporate job after straddling it with my magical, spiritual exploring writing career for almost 20 years! When it's time to go, to make change, to shift, then you will know. In the meantime, I'm a great believer that sometimes we stay where we are till we know, feel and commit to something greater. It's not always something to be manifested, not immediately. There is work to be done to transform one's life, and this is deeply internal, cannot be rushed, and often is partly in concert with divine timing. My work has become aligned with helping people, women in particular, to reach that next inner calling. Many of my clients are creatives and business women daring themselves to something higher. My readings point you in the unique direction of you personal growth, and it doesn't always look like what you think. The Tarot have a way of cutting through the chaos, and finding your unique divine codes of change. They give you permission to dare beyond your known, and they hold your hand whilst you explore. You don't need to be anywhere other than here, and as for the next steps, once you get in alignment, they find you... I am currently deep in the start of my kids summer holidays, so I only have time for ongoing clients, and a few days set aside for audio readings - check out my July and August Full and New Moon Readings. Otherwise I am opening my books for September / October, and recommend you book in now to ensure you get your space sooner. Tarot Readings Ongoing Tarot Business / Development Mentoring I am also offering my Talking Tarot Workshops out to your private groups, communities and events. These workshops bring groups of people together in deep conversation, and start to set your world alight with inspiration and self knowing.I'd love to come talk and work Tarot with your people, book here... Finally, my Cosmic Sisterhood continues onward with private live events, 78+ meditations and weekly prompts and lessons for your spiritual development... Get your first week free and check out what the community contains... Looking forward to work with you and helping to reap your next harvest this Autumn, love, Alice Private Tarot Consultations with Rebel Heart Tarot creator Alice Grist
Each tarot card consultation is entirely unique and bespoke to you, and allows for queries and questions should you feel the need to ask. Please ask up to three questions maximum in 'Notes to Seller' when buying. All readings will be honoured and sent to your inbox within five working days. I am the author of The Book of Tarot, Dirty and Divine - A Guide to Tarot, Rebel Heart Tarot Deck and Cosmic Mother Tarot Cards. I have read for thousands of people internationally over the last decade and I love every moment of helping people to navigate their lives, overcome blocks, and make empowering choices! Sessions with Alice are non-refundable. Readings will be recorded and sent to you within 7 days. Signed Copies of Alice's Books & Cards
£17.99 - £25.00
A personally signed copy of Alice's books & cards. Make your choice from dropdown menu below. Happy to personalise - please make it clear who the book is to be signed for in the 'note to seller'. Price includes postage to the UK only. 2023 Tarot Readings
£38.00 - £150.00
2023 feels like a year of possibility relating to our self-understandings, and the essence of who we are at this time. It is no minor year, and for many of us, our work towards preparing for 2023 has already begun on many levels. Year Ahead Readings are created individually and are entirely unique to you. I intuit and work with each person's report in full devotion and concentration to them as an individual. No templates or previous writings are used. This is an entirely bespoke product created just for you (or the person whom you are gifting). This year I am offering two options including a NEW mini option for only £38. Audio recorded ‘2023’ round up £38 This option will include cards drawn for the themes of your year, focusing on CHALLENGE, PURPOSE, GROWTH and a fourth card to explore the OVERALL THEME. Personal PDF Report (12 pages - 1 full page per month). £150 This option is a written reading, received as a PDF report that you can reference throughout the year detailing month by month cards personally pulled for you by me and written up with love and devotion. The message of our cards, for this week (or whenever you find this blog), pulled by me Alice Grist tarot author and expert, for you, is a reminder to take it easy, so very easy indeed. There is a possibility you are lumbering dangerously into exhaustion and burn out. Maybe you are physically resting, but your mind is whirling a million miles a minute. The cards suggest that this energy, is energy wasted. We would be better bringing ourselves out of potential futures and thoughts, and being slow, still and in the moment. Gentleness with yourself is the call. Allow what is bubbling up from your heart to be felt and understood. Space is not to be filled, but rather, to be felt. How can you feel your experiences and memories inside and out this week with methodical calm, purposeful rest and a commitment to process the feelings that are surfacing? Only after you have explored this path, will the road ahead start to open up a little more... Bookings now open for Full Moon Readings which I will record personally for you in the 48 hours either side of the 13th July Buck Moon. These readings will look at how you might begin to harvest your talents and hopes to move forward appropriately and with power. ![]() Signed Copies of Alice's Books & Cards
£17.99 - £25.00
A personally signed copy of Alice's books & cards. Make your choice from dropdown menu below. Happy to personalise - please make it clear who the book is to be signed for in the 'note to seller'. Price includes postage to the UK only. ![]() Private Tarot Consultations with Rebel Heart Tarot creator Alice Grist
Each tarot card consultation is entirely unique and bespoke to you, and allows for queries and questions should you feel the need to ask. Please ask up to three questions maximum in 'Notes to Seller' when buying. All readings will be honoured and sent to your inbox within five working days. I am the author of The Book of Tarot, Dirty and Divine - A Guide to Tarot, Rebel Heart Tarot Deck and Cosmic Mother Tarot Cards. I have read for thousands of people internationally over the last decade and I love every moment of helping people to navigate their lives, overcome blocks, and make empowering choices! Sessions with Alice are non-refundable. Readings will be recorded and sent to you within 7 days. ![]() 2023 Tarot Readings
£38.00 - £150.00
2023 feels like a year of possibility relating to our self-understandings, and the essence of who we are at this time. It is no minor year, and for many of us, our work towards preparing for 2023 has already begun on many levels. Year Ahead Readings are created individually and are entirely unique to you. I intuit and work with each person's report in full devotion and concentration to them as an individual. No templates or previous writings are used. This is an entirely bespoke product created just for you (or the person whom you are gifting). This year I am offering two options including a NEW mini option for only £38. Audio recorded ‘2023’ round up £38 This option will include cards drawn for the themes of your year, focusing on CHALLENGE, PURPOSE, GROWTH and a fourth card to explore the OVERALL THEME. Personal PDF Report (12 pages - 1 full page per month). £150 This option is a written reading, received as a PDF report that you can reference throughout the year detailing month by month cards personally pulled for you by me and written up with love and devotion. ![]() On Sale On Sale A Month of Tarot - October 2022
Do you want to connect with a handy, everyday superpower that helps you to understand and transform your life? Tarot provide you with immense insight into who you are, your desires, and the path of your life so far and moving forward. Tarot will provide you with practical and spiritual wisdom that enables you to manage your life, make big decisions and step into flow and alignment in all your relationships, business, work and everyday experiences. My ‘Month of Tarot’ starting on 1st October provides 31 daily lessons that will teach you how to really use tarot for yourself, and to start using them confidently for friends and family. When you sign up you will receive access to the Cosmic Sisterhood and all our live meetings, 78 Tarot Meditations and the full course content for the Month of Tarot, including a downloadable PDF that you can use to keep track of your learning, insight and inspiration as you work through the 31 days of lessons. This course is held in a private online space (which you can download as a phone app) and I’ll be there every day to respond to your questions and magical happenings (and there will be plenty of them). You will also be invited into a magical live opening and closing ceremony. As this course closes on 31st October we are working our way towards full tarot understanding just in time for Halloween! ![]() We are currently within a powerful time of receiving. The 7/7 portal opens in a few days, aligning Sirius with the Sun and Orion, here you are offered the opportunity to gain, manifest and make dreams start to come alive. With our card being the Wheel of Fortune, chances are the gains will come from unexpected quarters. Think of all the energy you have launched into different areas of your life. It is not without reward. But the abundance we have in mind, and the harvest of reality, may be quite different. Whatever arises for you now, it is the reaping of your hard work, personal growth and heartfelt efforts. As we move towards 8/8 and the lions gate portal, we can contribute to this harvest and growth, setting out intentions for the year ahead and rising higher in all our efforts. How can you connect to this energy? Think carefully about your successes, don't overlook a thing, notice your existing harvest and in doing so, you welcome in more... Set an intention for the year ahead and make it something you think gently on every day up until 8th August wen you send it flying out to the cosmos, with love. Check in on your body, how you feel, and honour that, this harvest requires you have the ability to see and feel it, which a well rested and nourished body will allow for. Join my Cosmic Sisterhood to connect more deeply to your spiritual path and celebrate the lions gate [ortal opening along with us... Join here Bookings now open for Full Moon Readings which I will record personally for you in the 48 hours either side of the 13th July Buck Moon. These readings will look at how you might begin to harvest your talents and hopes to move forward appropriately and with power. Love, Alice |
Alice GristI am Alice Grist, author, artist, cosmic mother and tarot expert. Here you will find my spiritual thoughts and regular free Tarot guidance. |